Wood Beams

Wood Beams

Made from solar energy and carbon absorbed from the air, wood is among the world's most wanted structural materials. When it comes to beams and posts that achieve a rustic kitchen or modern barn home, a timber frame proves to be genuinely stylish and easy to work with. It is important to note that a single construction material isn't always inherently better than the other, as every project involves many factors. Among these are: construction site, constraints, and the homeowner's preferences. One might want a timber frame that looks handmade and rustic, while others might fancy a sleek and modern design. To provide you a simplified and comprehensive understanding of a timber frame, let's learn about how wood beams and posts system works and how they can allow for generous personal expression of architectural interest.

When did wood beam and post system first start?

The timber frame was found in some of Greece's earliest buildings, and the arrival of early settlers in North America introduced the post and beam construction concept to the region.

The wood beam and post system

Supported on a foundation, the timber frame is typically a skeletal framework of decking, posts, and beams. It is suitable for most locations. Depending on the local building code, posts and beams are usually spaced apart; either more than 600 millimeters or 1200 millimeters or more.

Commonly, a wood posts and beams system is accompanied by wood decking, which is spanned between the beams. The conventional wood-frame construction is another alternative which works well in between posts and beams. It requires particularly studs, rafters, and joists to support the sub floor and sheathing.

Wood beams shape and size

The different shapes and sizes of wood beams are typically determined by the architectural requirements.

Factors influencing wood beam sizes vary, including the span's length, magnitude of imposed loads, distance between beams, and potential deflection limits.

The limits of deflection are shaped by the purpose of the building and stylistic preferences. Take gypsum and plaster as easily cracked surfaces as an example. If wood beams are used to support them, allowable deflection should be very limited; while there can be a bit more flexibility with wood decking.

Solid cured wood is highly recommended, as other types of wood beams are prone to twisting and warping after being installed. If you are fond of the multilayered engineered wood but not so much of its components, choose laminated wood beams and posts.

Laminating basically means gluing things together. At Wooderra, we offer laminated wood made of built-up layers of real wood bonded together. The selling point of laminated wood beams and posts consists in the many layers of real solid wood which are glued together at the core, yielding a super robust wood product.

Essentially, solid timber and laminated timber are among the strongest types of beams and posts and suitable for eco-conscious buyers who promote ecologically sound products.

A good example are beams and posts made of resilient species like Amargo Amargo (vataireu lundellii). Shin yellow when freshly cut, the wood turns dark golden brown when exposed to air and sunlight. Reportedly performing with excellent durability and high resistance to insect and fungi invasion, timber frame made of Amargo Amargo is an excellent choice that offers irresistible beauty. Wooderra provides Amargo Amargo which is salvaged from Lake Bayano, from the underwater world of submerged tropical hardwoods.

As our philosophy is to promote woods harvested from ecologically sustainable sources, we also offer many other types of wood for other prominent projects such as exotic hardwood flooring or tiger teak ceilings.

Indeed, any material has its pros and cons. It is essential when making a decision for a successfully built home to weigh these positives and negatives of wood beams and posts as well.

Advantages of wood beams and posts

Fast erection: Wood beam and post system is rather easy to put up. Constructors can simply precut and assemble the framework considering there are only a few members and joints. If prior to the construction, infill panels are needed, they can be fabricated in the shop by the supplier, and hence, can be installed quickly into the framework upon arrival. If you are a newbie when it comes to self-building, using prefabricated wood beams and posts frame saves you more time to construct a timber frame on site. This type of construction is so simple and direct and the resulting visual elegance defines rooms and creates rhythms and patterns for your interiors.

Cost-effective option: Because of the easy-to-install feature, wood beams and posts do not require much labor and energy costs, considering. Depending on how big and intricate a project is, the costs and efforts might vary case by case.

Versatile: Deciding on an architectural design that fits your taste takes time. Wood beams and posts bring versatile options. A timber frame can be incorporated into a variety of building styles, which allows flexibility in design. You can change the visuals of your interior space by painting the wood beams in colors to match the new décor of the house. Staining wood beams and posts is also an alternative. Make sure you consult with us beforehand to get the best results and protect the wood.

Absolute charm: Wood beams and posts structures are impressive That's why you are reading this article. A timber frame structure upgrades the aesthetic charm of a house and gives it the natural elegance that cannot be imitated by steel, engineered, or composite materials. Not to mention its natural warmth is a big bonus.

Robustness: When designed and inserted properly, wood beams and posts carry the imposed loads well, including weather factors such as wind, snow, and live and dead loads. Timber frame is regarded favorably as a strong and durable structure. To ensure safety, strength and deflection limits should be established following the building codes and/or experienced contractors. When it comes to timber frame construction, the more precision and detailed planning, the better.

Excellent thermal performance: A noticeable benefit of using wood beams and posts is that the timber frame contains the insulation well within its depth. In other words, when a solid level of insulation is achieved, timber frame structure prevents moist air from entering the construction's indoors, as they are sealed. This is a clear advantage over brick or stone, which do not retain heat as efficiently as a timber frame structure. The reason being is that in a masonry house, the air temperature in the rooms cannot reach a certain expected level during cold winters until the inner leaf is heated first. On the other hand, rooms enclosed by insulated timber structures like wood beams and posts will heat up and cool down much quicker.

Rotting is not on the list: Rarely is a modern timber structure of beams and posts damaged by rot, especially ones that are made of solid and laminated wood. As long as the moisture content of the timber frame is under 20%, the structure is immune with attacks. Woodworm might be a matter of concern as they can infest drier timber, but that will not happen if the construction of timber frame is well-ventilated, warm, and dry. Note: the structure will be free of fungus only if it is well-built and maintained.

The greener, the better: The reason why wood is regarded as a renewable material is that with every tree fell, another tree is to be planted to replace it. Hence, the supply is continuous, considering that there is replenishment for every tree harvested. Such insight broadens our perspective and eradicates the conceived notion of the forestry industry being ecologically irresponsible. In fact, timber management companies are far more ecologically concerned and responsive than other businesses that extract raw materials like bricks, blocks, and concrete. They are nonrenewable resources and will eventually exhaust. Not to mention, these industrial materials are manufactured in manners that produce high level of CO2, high energy cost, and a lot of waste. In contrast, waste amount is minimal in timber production. Wood dust is biodegradable in the natural environment. Also important is the fact that the consumption of timber products encourage the development and expansion of forests, which in turn will absorb CO2, reducing the greenhouse effect. Especially when the materials for products such as beams and posts are sourced from sustainably managed forests and plantations like we do at Wooderra.

Disadvantages of wood beams and posts

Tendency to split: Depending on the beam's size and the wood species chosen, wood beams and posts might be subject to splits, affecting the performance of the timber frame. The bigger the sizes of the splits, the clearer the sign that they won't hold together and remedies must be applied as soon as possible to ensure safety of the structure. Thus, it is worth it to consider and choose a resilient wood that is suitable for a timber frame system, like Amargo Amargo. It's better to be knowledgeable in this matter or work with people who are, so that the strength and longevity of the wood beams and posts needed for your project can be achieved.

Weight: Wood beams and posts are rather heavy to be carried by one person. There are even cases where special equipment is needed to lift them up. The weight depends on the size and the wood species chosen.

In the timber industry, we know that wood has obvious advantages to other materials. The challenges lie in how the wood beams and posts are designed and installed. Factors such as where the timber structure is located, planned service life, and structural type, collectively determine the appropriate and effective use of wood materials. Conventional wisdom points to its susceptibility to fire, which limits timber use, while it has so much more to offer. Timber has a number of noble qualities which are beneficial for many types of architectural interests, including one with beams and posts.

Important things to consider

°° Wind bracing and uplift: These two issues require extra attention, owing to the fact that in wood beam and post construction, there are not many framing members. A practical solution is to use walls and partition panels at appropriate intervals. Moreover, the installer can connect them to the main framing and make a rigid form by diagonal bracing so that sufficient and standardized racking resistance is created.

°° What supports beam and post framing? – The answer is continuous foundation walls. They function as a carrier of imposed loads. Ventilation should definitely be on the checklist to make sure adequate air spaces are allowed around the wood members. If external factors are involved and decay potentials are unavoidable, choose pressure treated wood. If you don't like the wall options, use poles to support the wood beam and post structures. The ends of the poles are dug into the ground. If your property is near water, the poles can be extended to form a support system below water level. It is recommended to use pressure treated poles in this case to prevent decay. Additionally, the poles must be able to carry all imposed loads. Typically, the locations for pole constructions are on hilly or unstable terrains, or where there is seasonal high water or floods. In fact, there many agricultural buildings that incorporate a timber frame structure using pole construction. Wood beams and posts are a suitable option for green energy and eco-friendliness in such settings.

°° Lumber storage: Prior to construction, the planks should be stacked properly so that there are spaces between layers for air circulation when they are stored outside. Make sure to put a cover over them. Avoid using unseasoned members in a building which is heated and typically quick to close in. Planks which dry too quickly will lead to checks or splits. If you plan to buy beams and posts in large sizes, make sure they are seasoned slowly so the development of checking and twisting is minimized. The reason being is that large manufactured lumber is typically unseasoned and drying occurs after manufacture.

°° Quality manufacture counts: It is essential that you work with a trustworthy supplier, especially when it comes to cured or laminated solid wood beams and posts. Manufacture is intricate, which requires to be done under specially controlled temperature and moisture conditions to ensure the wood's internal structures are upgraded, not degraded. A supplier whose manufacture process has stringent high quality controls and conducted in accordance with the expertise and national standards has the capacity to provide you with the structurally sound and reliable end product needed for the timber frame you want.

°° Consult a professional: Before you start building a timber frame, familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages. Knowing the costs and details related to maintenance will also help you form a better plan that works long term. When in doubt, consult with an experienced architect or contractor who has the skills, knowledge and experience to erect a timber frame structure which suits the property's location.

A wood beams and posts system is your ultimate option if:

You are a big fan of solid wood's authentic feel, warmth, and its undeniable aesthetic appeal.

If construction is to be built in winter, wood beams and posts structure shells up quickly.

You want to control your heating time and costs during typical winter weather.

You wish to promote eco-consciousness by using eco-friendly materials.

You expect no major changes to the property after being built.

The project's location is rather constricted, is not easily accessible and there is limited space for material storage.

The location is timber-friendly.

You plan to participate and to do a considerable amount of the construction work yourself.

In a nutshell, a timber frame is a great fit for new homes. Wood beams and posts enable open floor plans and large volumes, while maintaining the elegant and traditional enticing beauty and scale. A timber frame gives an opportunity to have spacious, open, well-ventilated, light-filled, inspirational spaces.

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